Travel & Art
Location: Spain & Portugal
Date: Febuary – April 2022
Nadiya Morenko
Jörg Savioli
12 Year old girl
Travel and art as therapy for young people
Travel and Art is a start-up idea of an artist and a social pedagogue.
It is initially offered to youth welfare organisations.
It is aimed at young people in crisis situations (within the framework of intensive individual social pedagogical measures). We want to combine the travel pedagogy that has proven itself in youth welfare with creative contents from the field of art and design.
From February to April, we traveled together with a 12 year old girl through spain and portugal. We started off in Conil de la Fronterra, and ended our trip in the beautiful city Roses.

We created a lot of interesting projects, including Videos I’m not allowed to share. Here’re some impressions of our intense trip.

And we also experienced a lot together, saw different landcapes, tried new food and got inspired in the local art exhibitions.

For more information, visit our website .

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